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.Wednesday, February 3, 2010 ' 9:34 PM Y

Self Introduction

I am scared of lizards.,whenever i see them,i will shout out loud. This happened when i was eight years old. Once,i was playing netball with my older cousin,while i was busy with the netball,my cousin suddenly put a lizard in my hand. At first,i felt something very cold in my hand,i thought it was his hand,but when i turn around and i saw the lizard. I shouted as loud as i can. Immediately,i threw away the lizard.

From that day onwards,i have a very big phobia of them as they look very ugly and they are cold blooded animal,so their bodies are very cold. I know that they do not bite,but if i see a lizard in my house,i will freak out and don't even dare to go near it or in the same room where it was. What's more strange is i have a big bearded dragon toy and that does not even bother me at all but a regular outside lizard scares me alot.

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Monday, February 1, 2010 ' 3:30 AM Y

My Photo

This is my primary four class photo. We took this photo after our PE lesson. We took it in the hall as the colour of the curtain was bright and it is a suitable place for taking photo. We all were laughing happily as we had lots of fun during our PE lesson. My form teacher teaches us PE. I think he is smelly as his shirt was wet. He was very friendly, not like other class PE teachers, everytime made the class do push up or run around the school for three runs. Those people who are wearing a red tie are prefects, those people who are wearing a blue tie are not a prefects. I was standing with my best friend, Gigi Tan Xi Tong and she is a prefect. She was my best friend since we are in primary three, by now, we are still best friend. I was the tallest among the girls. Those boys that are standing on the second rows are very famous for bully lower primary students, they were everytime get in trouble. The teachers, as well as those students beside him, i think they should have think of the pose before they took the picture. I was feeling sad for the india girl that was standing alone. All of the class feel that she was smelly and do not want to play with her and she was no friend in the class. Some of the students were not in the picture as they were absent from school.

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Wednesday, January 20, 2010 ' 9:24 PM Y

About Myself

My name is Chen Xia.I came from North View Primary School.The school there is very clean. There are also many delicious food to eat.

I like to travel to other places.When i was in primary five. I went to Beijing with my school teachers and schoolmates for an exchange program with Beijing students. We had lots of fun over there and tasted many different kinds of food.

My hobbies are sleeping and reading storybooks. When i am free, i were take out a book and read. Sometime i even laugh out loud. I dislike people that shows off as it irritates me.

This is all about myself.Hope all of you can come to see my blog again.(:

You're all I ever wanted ;


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